
1.4 KiB

Installation of the script

The following steps are required in order to install this script from the git archive.

Install virtual environment (only do this once)

This should be done only once (unless you update the Python version). Open a console in the folder of this script. Call the command

python -m venv venv

This will create a local python instance in the local directory venv.

Enable the virtual environment

Important: This must be done every time you close you console. If you need to restart the console, just reissue these commands in the console. Best is to keep the console open.

The activation of the virtual environment depends in the OS used.

On Windows

For activation under Windows, go to the root folder of the project if you are not yet there. Call the script by


On Linux

For activation on Linux, go to the root folder of the project if you are not yet there. Source the activation script by

. ./venv/bin/activate

Run the script

You can now run the script locally. The simplest way is to go into the src folder of the script (where the file resides). You can issue the command

python --help

to get a list of CLI options.

Normally you would call it with one parameter that is the folder name of a HTML export made by TopTurnier.

python /path/to/HTML/export