import competitionNotificationReader as cnr import logging import re class MailParser: def __init__(self): self._l = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parseMail(self, rawMail: cnr.mail.Mail): # Look for the correct Mail encoding contentType, boundary = self._getContentType(rawMail) subMails = self._splitMultipartBody(rawMail.body, boundary) def isCorrectContentType(mail): for header in mail.headers: if header[0].lower() != 'content-type': continue return header[1].startswith('text/html') return False subMails = list(filter(isCorrectContentType, subMails)) def isCorrectContentEncoding(mail): for header in mail.headers: if header[0].lower() != 'content-transfer-encoding': continue return header[1] == 'quoted-printable' return False subMails = list(filter(isCorrectContentEncoding, subMails)) if len(subMails) != 1: raise Exception('Not implemented') body = self._mapQuotedrintable(subMails[0].body) return body def _getContentType(self, rawMail: cnr.mail.Mail) -> str: ctHeaders = list(filter(lambda x: x[0].lower() == 'content-type', rawMail.headers)) if len(ctHeaders) != 1: self._l.error('No unique content type of the mail was found.') exit(1) ct = ctHeaders[0][1] if not ct.startswith('multipart/alternative'): raise Exception('Not yet implemented') parser = re.compile(r'.*boundary=("([^"]+)"|([^ ]+))') matcher = parser.match(ct) if matcher is None: self._l.error('Cannot extract boundary from mail header.') exit(1) if is not None: boundary = elif is not None: boundary = return 'multipart/alternative', boundary def _splitMultipartBody(self, bodyLines: list[str], boundary: str): parts = [] subBody = [] for line in bodyLines: if line.startswith(f'--{boundary}'): if len(subBody) > 0: parts.append(subBody) subBody = [] else: subBody.append(line) return list(map(lambda x: cnr.headerExtractor.splitHeaders(x), parts)) def _mapQuotedrintable(self, lines: list[str]): def mergeLines(): # Drop terminating newlines ret = [l for l in lines] r = list(range(len(ret))) r.reverse() for i in r: currentLine = ret[i] if currentLine.endswith('='): currentLine = currentLine[:-1] + ret.pop(i+1) ret[i] = currentLine return ret mergedLines = mergeLines() def mapUnicodeChars(): ret = [] for line in mergedLines: i = 0 chars = [] while i < len(line): if line[i] != '=': chars.extend(list(line[i].encode())) else: hexChars = line[i+1:i+3] value = int(hexChars, 16) # print(f'{hexChars} -> {value}') chars.append(value) i += 2 i += 1 ret.append(chars) return ret mappedLines = mapUnicodeChars() def decodeLine(l): bytes = [x.to_bytes(1, 'big') for x in l] decodedLine = b''.join(bytes).decode() return decodedLine decodedLines = list(map(decodeLine, mappedLines)) return ''.join(decodedLines)