#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d "content/albums" ] then echo "You are not in the correct directory. Aborting." exit 1 fi if [ -f "content/albums/_index.md" ] then echo "You already have an _index.md file. This looks like you are in the template." echo "You need to run this script from the main page directory." exit 1 fi tmp=$(mktemp) find content/albums -mindepth 1 -type d | while read dir do ( cd "$dir" if [ -f _index.md ] then # echo "Skipping $dir" exit 0 fi echo "Marking creation of stub for $dir" echo "$dir/_index.md" >> "$tmp" ) done cat "$tmp" | while read line do dirname="$(basename "$(dirname "$line")")" escaped="$(echo "$dirname" | sed 's@-@!@' )" IFS=! read weight name <<< "$escaped" text="title: \"$name\"\nweight: $weight" # echo -e "$text" # npm run hugo -- new content "$line" # sed "s@^title:.*@$text@@" -i "$line" cat > "$line" << EOF --- title: "$name" weight: $weight date: $(date -Iseconds) draft: false --- EOF done rm "$tmp"