Tidied up batch script
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,165 +14,9 @@ class BatchWorker:
self.l = logging.getLogger('solo_turnier.batch')
self.config = config
self.__groupMap = {
'Kin.': 0,
'Kin./Jun.': 1,
'Jun.': 10,
'Jun./Jug.': 11,
'Jug.': 20
self.__danceMap = {
'Samba': 1,
'Cha Cha': 2,
'Rumba': 3,
'Paso Doble': 4,
'Jive': 5,
'Langs. Walzer': 11,
'Tango': 12,
'Wiener Walzer': 13,
'Slowfox': 14,
'Quickstep': 15
self.__groupFinalMap = {
'Kinder': 'Kin.',
'Junioren': 'Jun.',
'Jugend': 'Jug.'
def __extractDataFromFiles(self):
allResultName = os.path.join(self.config.importPath(), 'allresults.csv')
readerAllResults = solo_turnier.reader.AllResultReader(allResultName)
allResults = readerAllResults.readFile()
finals = []
# Do this in a loop
finalName = os.path.join(self.config.importPath(), 'wert_er.txt')
readerFinal = solo_turnier.reader.ERReader(finalName)
result = readerFinal.readFile()
return (allResults, finals)
def __convertFinalToTuple(self, result):
return {
'group': result['gruppe'],
'class': result['klasse'],
'dance': result['tanz'],
'finalists': result['finalisten']
def __extractAllData(self, r):
return {
'date': r[1],
'group': r[2],
'class': r[3],
'dance': r[4],
'id': int(r[5]),
'firstName': r[6],
'lastName': r[7],
'club': r[10],
'ltv': r[11],
'place': r[12],
'placeTo': r[13],
'points': r[14],
'personGroup': r[15],
'personClass': r[16],
'remarks': r[17]
def __extractPersonData(self, r):
data = self.__extractAllData(r)
person = solo_turnier.participant.Person(
return person
def __extractPersons(self, allResults):
def decorate(person,i):
return (person.firstName, person.lastName, person.club, i, person)
personRows = [self.__extractPersonData(r) for r in allResults['data']]
persons = list(set(personRows))
persons = [decorate(p,i) for i,p in enumerate(persons)]
persons = [p[4] for p in persons]
return persons
def __extractAllResults(self, allResults, persons: list[solo_turnier.participant.Person]):
def __extractDanceResult(r):
data = self.__extractAllData(r)
return {
'dance': data['dance'],
'class': data['personClass'],
'place': int(data['place']),
'placeTo': int(data['placeTo']),
'id': data['id']
except ValueError:
self.l.debug('Issue found with data %s.', data)
return None
ret = {}
for row in allResults['data']:
danceResult = __extractDanceResult(row)
if danceResult is not None:
person = self.__extractPersonData(row)
if person not in ret:
ret[person] = []
return ret
def __extractCompetitionEntries(self, r):
data = self.__extractAllData(r)
return (data['personGroup'], data['dance'])
def __extractCompetitions(self, allResults):
def __decorate(r):
return (self.__groupMap[r[0]], self.__danceMap[r[1]],r)
competitionsRows = [self.__extractCompetitionEntries(r) for r in allResults['data']]
# competitions = list(set([self.__extractDanceResult(r) for r in allResults['data']]))
competitions = [__decorate(r) for r in list(set(competitionsRows))]
competitions = [r[2] for r in competitions]
return competitions
def __extractGroups(self, allResults):
def __extractGroupEntries(r):
data = self.__extractAllData(r)
return data['personGroup']
def __decorate(r):
return (self.__groupMap[r], r)
rows = [__extractGroupEntries(r) for r in allResults['data']]
groups = [__decorate(r) for r in list(set(rows))]
groups = [r[1] for r in groups]
return groups
def __extarctBasicData(self, allResults):
def __extractRow(r):
ret = {
'firstName': r[6],
'lastName': r[7],
'number': int(r[5]),
'club': r[10],
'place': int(r[12]),
'placeTo': int(r[13]),
'group': r[15],
'class': r[16]
return ret
return [__extractRow(r) for r in allResults['data'][0:2]]
def run(self):
@ -190,172 +34,3 @@ class BatchWorker:
consoleOutputtter = solo_turnier.output.ConsoleOutputter()
# csvReader = solo_turnier.reader.CSVResultReader(self.config.importCSVPath())
# self.l.info('Loading the total result CSV file %s', self.config.importCSVPath())
# csvData = csvReader.readFile()
# self.l.info('CSV file has been read')
# csvExtractor = solo_turnier.reader.CSVExtractor()
# self.l.info('Importing CSV data into internal structures')
# csvRows = csvExtractor.mapCSVImport(csvData)
# worker = solo_turnier.worker.DataWorker()
# /////
# self.l.info('Checking for feasible HTML export files in "%s"', self.config.importHtmlPath())
# htmlCandidates = locator.findCandidates(self.config.importHtmlPath())
# self.l.debug('Found HTML file candidates: %s', htmlCandidates)
# htmlParser = solo_turnier.html_parser.HtmlParser()
# htmlImports = []
# self.l.info('Importing the candidates')
# for candidate in htmlCandidates:
# self.l.debug('Processing file %s', candidate)
# with open(candidate, 'r') as fp:
# fileContent = fp.read()
# htmlImports.append(htmlParser.parseString(fileContent))
# self.l.info('All HTML files have been parsed')
# self.l.info('Processing the imported data')
# self.l.debug('Combining results from CSV for individual users')
# data = worker.combineRowsByPerson(csvRows)
# self.l.debug('Fix the groups for combined competitions')
# unambiguous, fixedGroups = worker.consolidateGroups(data)
# if fixedGroups:
# self.l.info('It was required to fix some group issues.')
# if not unambiguous:
# self.warning('There were couples whose group could not be extracted unambiguously.')
# self.l.debug('Merging HTML and CSV data')
# worker.mergeHtmlData(data, htmlImports)
# self.l.info('Data is prepared')
# consoleOutputtter = solo_turnier.output.ConsoleOutputter()
# consoleOutputtter.output(data)
def run1(self):
allResults, finals = self.__extractDataFromFiles()
persons = self.__extractPersons(allResults)
self.l.debug('Found persons: %s', persons)
totalResults = self.__extractAllResults(allResults, persons)
self.l.debug('Total results: %s', totalResults)
groups = self.__extractGroups(allResults)
self.l.debug('Found groups: %s', groups)
groupRes = {}
for group in groups:
self.l.info('Processing group %s', group)
groupRes[group] = {}
personsInGroup = [p for p in persons if p.group == group]
self.l.debug('Remaining persons: %s', personsInGroup)
groupRes[group]['participants'] = personsInGroup
groupRes[group]['results'] = {}
for person in personsInGroup:
groupRes[group]['results'][person] = totalResults[person]
# resultsInGroup = totalResults[personsInGroup]
# self.l.debug('Results in group: %s', resultsInGroup)
# Do this in a loop
finalists = [self.__convertFinalToTuple(r) for r in finals]
self.l.debug('Mapped to tuples: %s', finalists)
self.l.info('Augmenting the list of participants')
for finalistList in finalists:
self.l.debug('Augmenting competition %s', finalistList)
longGroup = finalistList['group']
grep = self.__groupFinalMap[longGroup]
for person in groupRes[group]['results'].keys():
self.l.debug('Checking %s for finalist state in competition', person)
for competition in groupRes[group]['results'][person]:
if competition['dance'] != finalistList['dance']:
if competition['class'] != finalistList['class']:
competition['finalist'] = (competition['id'] in finalistList['finalists'])
self.l.debug('Organized results: %s', groupRes)
dancesRaw = [competition['dance'] for group in groups for person in groupRes[group]['participants'] for competition in groupRes[group]['results'][person]]
dances = list(set(dancesRaw))
dances = [(self.__danceMap[d], d) for d in dances]
dances = [r[1] for r in dances]
self.l.debug('Found dances in competition: %s', dances)
ret = {}
for group in groups:
ret[group] = {}
for person in groupRes[group]['participants']:
ret[group][person] = {}
# Seed the data structure
for dance in dances:
ret[group][person][dance] = {
'participated': False,
'class': '',
'finalist': False,
'place': '',
'id': 0
for competition in groupRes[group]['results'][person]:
def __getPlace():
if competition['place'] == competition['placeTo']:
return str(competition['place'])
return f"{competition['place']}-{competition['placeTo']}"
dance = competition['dance']
ret[group][person][dance]['participated'] = True
ret[group][person][dance]['class'] = competition['class']
ret[group][person][dance]['finalist'] = competition.get('finalist', False)
ret[group][person][dance]['place'] = __getPlace()
ret[group][person][dance]['id'] = competition['id']
self.l.debug('Returned data: %s', pprint.pformat(ret))
for group in groups:
self.l.debug('Outputting table for group %s', group)
print(f'Ergebnisse der Gruppe {group}')
row = ['Teilnehmer(in)'] + dances
table = [row]
for person in ret[group]:
row = [str(person)]
for dance in dances:
if not ret[group][person][dance]['participated']:
if not ret[group][person][dance]['finalist']:
row.append(f"{ret[group][person][dance]['place']} ({ret[group][person][dance]['class']}, {ret[group][person][dance]['id']})")
# print(tabulate.tabulate(table))
print(tabulate.tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='fancy_grid'))
# self.l.debug('Organized results: %s', pprint.pformat( groupRes['Jun.']))
# competitions = self.__extractCompetitions(allResults)
# self.l.debug('Competitions: %s', competitions)
# basicData = self.__extarctBasicData(allResults)
# self.l.debug('Basic extracted data: %s', basicData)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user