import bs4 import logging import re import os import jinja2 class ParsingFailedEception(Exception): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class CompetitionParser: def __init__(self): self._l = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._partner = '' self._partnerin = '' self._date = '' self._title = '' self._number = '' self._group = '' self._class = '' self._section = '' self._ort = '' self._verein = '' self._telefon = '' self._reName = re.compile('Neue Meldung für (.*) / (.*)!') self._reDate = re.compile('([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)') self._reNumber = re.compile('Turnier: ([0-9]+)') self._rePhone = re.compile('Telefon: ([0-9 /]+)') self._rePlace = re.compile('Ort: (.*), (.*)') self._reCompetition = re.compile('(.*) ([A-ES]) ((?:Std)|(?:Lat)|(?:Kombi))') self._reCleaningString = re.compile('[^a-z0-9-]') self._reDashes = re.compile('-+') def parseMail(self, body: str): parser = bs4.BeautifulSoup(body, 'html.parser') self._getNames(parser.h2) self._parseTable(parser.table) def _getNames(self, h2): matcher = self._reName.match(h2.string) if matcher is None: self._l.error('Parsing of header "%s" failed.', h2) raise ParsingFailedEception('Header could not be successfully parsed') self._partner = self._partnerin = def _parseTable(self, table): def parseDate(date): match = self._reDate.fullmatch(date) if match is None: raise ParsingFailedEception('Cannot parse date %s in mail' % date) self._date = f'{}-{}-{}' def parseNumber(content): match = self._reNumber.fullmatch(content) if match is None: raise ParsingFailedEception(f'Cannot parse the turnier number in field {content}') self._number = def parseCompetition(competition): match = self._reCompetition.fullmatch(competition) if match is None: raise ParsingFailedEception(f'Cannot parse the competition line {competition}') self._group = self._class = self._section = def parsePlace(place): match = self._rePlace.fullmatch(place) if match is None: raise ParsingFailedEception(f'Cannot parse the place entry {place}') self._verein = self._ort = def parsePhone(phone): match = self._rePhone.fullmatch(phone) if match is None: raise ParsingFailedEception(f'Cannot parse the phone line {phone}') self._telefon = tds = table('td') parseDate(tds[0].string.strip()) self._title = tds[1].string.strip() parseNumber(tds[2].string.strip()) parseCompetition(tds[3].string.strip()) parsePlace(tds[4].string.strip()) parsePhone(tds[5].string.strip()) def _cleanName(self, name: str) -> str: cleanedName = name.lower() cleanedName = re.sub('ä', 'ae', cleanedName) cleanedName = re.sub('ö', 'oe', cleanedName) cleanedName = re.sub('ü', 'ue', cleanedName) cleanedName = re.sub('ß', 'ss', cleanedName) cleanedName = re.sub(self._reCleaningString, '-', cleanedName) cleanedName = re.sub(self._reDashes, '-', cleanedName) return cleanedName.lower() def getFilename(self, prefix: str) -> str: namePartner = self._cleanName(self._partner) namePartnerin = self._cleanName(self._partnerin) competition = f'{self._group} {self._class} {self._section}' competitionName = self._cleanName(competition) ort = self._cleanName(self._ort) filename = f'{self._date}-{ort}-{namePartner}-{namePartnerin}-{competitionName}.md' return os.path.join( prefix, self._date[0:4], re.sub(self._reDashes, '-', filename) ) def getContent(self) -> str: with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) as fp: tpl = j2 = jinja2.Template(tpl) vars = { 'date': self._date, 'partner': self._partner, 'partnerin': self._partnerin, 'verein': self._verein, 'ort': self._ort, 'telefon': self._telefon, 'group': self._group, 'class': self._class, 'section': self._section, 'title': self._title, 'number': self._number, } return j2.render(**vars)