diff --git a/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/cal_helper.py b/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/cal_helper.py
index 5b27446a..7dfb865d 100644
--- a/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/cal_helper.py
+++ b/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/cal_helper.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import datetime as dt
 import re, logging
+import zoneinfo
 from .sync import Event
@@ -15,21 +16,26 @@ class IcalHelper:
         'Sun': 6
+    tzDE = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo('Europe/Berlin')
+    deltaWeek = dt.timedelta(weeks=1)
+    deltaDay = dt.timedelta(days=1)
+    firstDay = dt.date(year=dt.datetime.now().year, month=1, day=1)
     def __init__(self):
         self._l = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-        self.dDay = dt.timedelta(days=1)
-        self.firstDay = dt.datetime(year=dt.datetime.now().year, month=1, day=1)
         self.reTime = re.compile(r'(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})')
     def getStart(self, event: Event, holidays):
-        self._getFirstWeekdayInYear(event.day)
-        self._getFirstOccurence(event, holidays)
-        pass
+        firstDay = self._getFirstOccurence(event, holidays)
+        if firstDay is None:
+            return None, None
+        return firstDay, dt.datetime.combine(firstDay, self._getTime(event.start), tzinfo=self.tzDE)
     def _getFirstWeekdayInYear(self, weekday):
         candidate = self.firstDay
         while candidate.weekday() != self._WEEKDAY_MAP[weekday]:
-            candidate += self.dDay
+            candidate += self.deltaDay
         self._l.log(5, 'First %s in year is %s', weekday, candidate)
@@ -40,7 +46,73 @@ class IcalHelper:
     def _getSortedFeasts(self, holidays):
         return sorted(holidays['feasts'])
+    def _isFeast(self, candidate, feasts):
+        return candidate in feasts
+    def _isHoliday(self, candidate, holidays):
+        for h in holidays:
+            if h['from'] <= candidate <= h['to']:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def _getLastHolidayException(self, holidays):
+        holidayList = list(self._getSortedHolidays(holidays))
+        holidayList.reverse()
+        lastHoliday = holidayList[0]
+        lastHolidayDay = lastHoliday['to']
+        feastList = list(self._getSortedFeasts(holidays))
+        feastList.reverse()
+        lastFeast = feastList[0]
+        lastFeastDay = lastFeast
+        return max(lastHolidayDay, lastFeastDay)
     def _getFirstOccurence(self, event: Event, holidays):
         firstWeekday = self._getFirstWeekdayInYear(event.day)
-        firstWeekday.tzinfo = dt.timezone.tzname('Europe/Berlin')
+        candidate = firstWeekday
+        while candidate.year == firstWeekday.year:
+            if self._isFeast(candidate, holidays['feasts']):
+                self._l.log(5, 'Found feast %s', candidate)
+                candidate += self.deltaWeek
+                continue
+            if self._isHoliday(candidate, holidays['holidays']):
+                self._l.log(5, 'Found holiday %s', candidate)
+                candidate += self.deltaWeek
+                continue
+            self._l.log(5, 'Found first occurence %s', candidate)
+            return candidate
+        return None
+        # firstWeekday.tzinfo = dt.timezone.tzname('Europe/Berlin')
+    def _getTime(self, startStr):
+        match = self.reTime.match(startStr)
+        return dt.time(int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2)))
+    def getHolidayExceptions(self, event: Event, startDay, holidays):
+        lastHolidayDay = self._getLastHolidayException(holidays)
+        pointer = startDay
+        exeptions = []
+        while pointer <= lastHolidayDay:
+            ex = dt.datetime.combine(pointer, self._getTime(event.start), tzinfo=self.tzDE)
+            if self._isFeast(pointer, holidays['feasts']):
+                exeptions.append(ex)
+            if self._isHoliday(pointer, holidays['holidays']) and not event.external:
+                exeptions.append(ex)
+            pointer += self.deltaWeek
+        if len(exeptions) > 0:
+            return exeptions
+        return None
diff --git a/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/sync.py b/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/sync.py
index 437a2eb0..4e15b4a7 100644
--- a/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/sync.py
+++ b/scripts/nc-cal-sync/calendar_synchronizer/sync.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import logging, yaml, pprint, json, re
-import hashlib
+import hashlib, uuid
 import caldav
 import datetime as dt
-from . import login
+from . import login, debug
 _l = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ class Event:
     def __repr__(self):
         wAge = f' ({self.age})' if self.age is not None else ''
-        return f'Ev({self.title}{wAge}) [{self.day}, {self.start}, {self.duration}]'
+        ext = 'Ext' if self.external else ''
+        return f'{ext}Ev({self.title}{wAge}) [{self.day}, {self.start}, {self.duration}]'
     def getHash(self, holidays):
         def fixHolidays(holidays):
@@ -86,10 +87,22 @@ class Event:
         # pprint.pprint(data, indent=4, width=100)
         hasher = hashlib.sha1()
         hasher.update(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8'))
-        return hasher.hexdigest()
+        first = hasher.hexdigest()
+        second = uuid.uuid4().hex
+        return f'{first}___{second}', first
     dDay = dt.timedelta(days=1)
+        'Mon': 'MO',
+        'Tue': 'TU',
+        'Wed': 'WE',
+        'Thu': 'TH',
+        'Fri': 'FR',
+        'Sat': 'SA',
+        'Sun': 'SU',
+    }
     def addToCalendar(self, calendar: caldav.Calendar, holidays):
         from . import cal_helper
@@ -99,15 +112,44 @@ class Event:
         helper = cal_helper.IcalHelper()
-        helper.getStart(self, holidays)
+        startDay, start = helper.getStart(self, holidays)
+        if start is None:
+            _l.warning('Could not get start time for event %s in the current year', self)
+            return
+        uid, uidFirst = self.getHash(holidays)
         icalData = {
-            'uid': self.getHash(holidays),
-            'DTSTART': dt.datetime.now(),
-            'DTEND': dt.datetime.now() + dt.timedelta(minutes=self.duration),
-            'SUMMARY': self.title
+            'uid': uid,
+            'DTSTART': start,
+            'DTEND': start + dt.timedelta(minutes=self.duration),
+            'SUMMARY': self.title,
+            'RRULE': {
+                'FREQ': 'DAILY',
+                'BYDAY': self._MAP_WEEKDAY_ICAL[self.day]
+            }
-        # calendar.add_event(**icalData)
+        # debug.debugger()
+        holidayExceptions = helper.getHolidayExceptions(self, startDay, holidays)
+        if holidayExceptions is not None:
+            icalData['EXDATE'] = holidayExceptions
+        desc = ''
+        if self.age is not None:
+            desc += f'Jahrgänge: {self.age}'
+        if len(self.description) > 0:
+            desc += '\n\n'
+            desc += self.description
+        if len(desc) > 0:
+            icalData['DESCRIPTION'] = desc
+        _l.log(5, 'Adding event\n%s', pprint.pformat(icalData, indent=4, width=100))
+        ical = caldav.lib.vcal.create_ical(**icalData)
+        _l.log(5, 'Created event\n%s', pprint.pformat(ical, indent=4, width=100))
+        _l.log(5, 'Created event\n%s', ical)
+        calendar.add_event(**icalData)
 def _unpackSchedules(schedule):
     def packSingleCalendar(cal):
@@ -121,7 +163,7 @@ def _unpackSchedules(schedule):
             if 'age' in ev:
                 e.age = ev['age']
-            if ev.get('extern', False):
+            if ev.get('extern', False) or ev.get('external', False):
                 e.external = True
             if 'desc' in ev:
                 e.description = ev['desc']
@@ -216,7 +258,8 @@ class CalendarSynchonizer:
         ret = {}
         for e in events:
-            uid = str(e.icalendar_component['uid'])
+            uidRaw = str(e.icalendar_component['uid'])
+            uid = uidRaw.split('___', 1)[0]
             _l.log(5, 'Event with uid %s was found.', uid)
             ret[uid] = e
@@ -228,9 +271,9 @@ class CalendarSynchonizer:
         ret = {}
         for e in schedule:
-            uid = e.getHash(holidays)
-            _l.log(5, 'Event with uid %s was found.', uid)
-            ret[uid] = e
+            uid, uidFirst = e.getHash(holidays)
+            _l.log(5, 'Event with uid part %s was found.', uidFirst)
+            ret[uidFirst] = e
         return ret